Daily Devotions

Justin Pedersen   -  

Devotions  – Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Bible Texts

Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler.     (Proverbs 6:5)


Every now and then I reflect on the training Luke and I received in the Financial Peace University program we took a few years back. This verse is always the first one that comes to mind, it has stuck with me through the years. Dave Ramsey put it in the context of getting out of financial debt, but I also think of it as staying strong in faith. This world is full of temptations to engage in sinful activities. It is so easy to give in to sin. Instead we need to run from those situations with as much intensity and fierceness that a gazelle demonstrates as it runs away from a cheetah. But instead of looking behind us and what we are running from, let’s look forward and what we are running to. We are running with the intensity and fierceness of a gazelle to our safe place, our salvation, our creator and heavenly father. And God is there with arms wide open ready to embrace us! Can’t you just picture that scene, it is one that gives me immeasurable comfort and strength, and I hope it does for you as well!


Dear God, we thank you for all you have given us. Please guide our hearts and minds to stay focused on you, and to run to you each and every day of our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Devotions by Heather Bristow