Fjeldberg – Devotion for March 4th, 2025
READ (Joel 2:13)
Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, we start our Lenten journey from darkness to light, from ashes to resurrection. The sign of the cross on our foreheads is a public reminder that we are dust, and to dust we shall return.
Lent reminds me of a controlled burn in the prairie, the vulnerable prairie is blackened with ash anticipating a season of grace and growth. Together in this season, we are all called to embrace the bare honesty of Lent together amongst the ashes as we anticipate new life that is ours in Christ Jesus.
Gracious God, bless us with new life as we journey through Lent. Thank you for your mercy, healing, strength, and love. Amen.
Devotions by Marita R