
Justin Pedersen   -  

Fjeldberg – Devotion for February 6th, 2025

READ (1 Corinthians 15:1-2)

Brothers and sisters, I want to call your attention to the good news that I preached to you, which you also received and in which you stand. You are being saved through it if you hold on to the message I preached to you…


Paul shares this reminder and exhortation to the people of Corinth about the good news of the Gospel. When I first started preaching, consistently, I remember talking to a mentor of mine about preaching and the message that we shared week in and week out. I said to them, “It just feels like I keep repeating the Gospel message, am I doing it wrong, is the message old”, they quickly responded with, “That is exactly what preaching is, a constant reminder of God’s work in our lives”. The Gospel message does not grow old, I’m not sure it can be repeated enough. Sure there may be some nuance or contextualizing in a sermon, but we should not grow weary of hearing this good news and also receiving the new life that comes through it.

Looking around our world, there are so many things or people that claim to save us, to make our life so much better, and while this may be true to a point, I mean look at how the printing press, lights, and heat have improved our quality of life. Those things may be great, but none of them can compare to Jesus. Jesus, God’s only son came to earth to live, teach, die, and resurrect, so that you and I may have new life through Jesus. None of our sins – clinging to false prophets, material items, people, or fear -rather than Jesus will keep us separated from God, Jesus died with all that sin, so that we can be made right with God.


God of hope, remind us of your power and love for us, even in the moments of life when we wander off, we know we are your beloved. Let us not grow weary of hearing and proclaiming your good news to our neighbors. Amen.

Devotions by Pastor Tim