
Justin Pedersen   -  

Fjeldberg – Devotion for December 3, 2024

READ (Psalm 130:5)

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word, I put my hope.


We just observed the first Sunday of Advent as the candle of HOPE glowed in our presence.

Our recent Sunday messages have encouraged us to love, serve, and share God’s message to a higher level as worldly influences and  challenges in our country and communities often encumber lives.

Advent means arrival…. each week this month, we celebrate the unique and priceless gifts Jesus’ birth brought to us…. hope, peace, joy, and love. Jesus came to rescue and restore with the confident expectation that God’s promise would be fulfilled.

Advent is a time of active not passive waiting and anticipation. We know that God will never leave or forsake us and hope is never extinguished.

Where are we in this first week of Advent? Is our hope in the right place? Do we choose God’s plan or our own?

As we enjoy the glorious season of Christmas, our hope must rest with God and the arrival of Jesus….reflect upon following His plan, even in those times when it may seem impossible.


Loving God, We thank you for filling us with your presence and everlasting love. As we begin the season of Advent in a world filled with consumerism, anxiety, and busy schedules, please put our hope in trusting Jesus to appear and work the better plan.

In Jesus name, Amen

Devotions by Lorraine H