
Justin Pedersen   -  

Fjeldberg – Devotion for November 12, 2024

READ (Heb 3:4)

“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.


As I write this, I just completed a week with Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity framing 8 houses in 4 1/2 days in a Blitz Build in NE Des Moines. Eventually there will be 15 houses in a new affordable housing community.

Habitat for Humanity is a Christian organization dedicated to providing affordable housing. Each day began with prayer asking for safety and guidance.

Volunteer teams from many companies around the area provided labor under the guidance of Habitat staff and Core Crew volunteers such as myself. Surely the Lord had influence in motivating so many companies and their employees to invest a day of their time in the project.

Some of the volunteers had tool experience while others were using saws and drills for the first time. Their willingness to participate being the binding motivation. The camaraderie was infectious.

Fifteen houses will soon be the foundations for family homes. Surely a cause worthy of our effort and in line with Jesus’ exhortations to help the less fortunate.

Of course, the project would not have happened were it not for the fund-raising efforts of the Habitat management gathering both individual and corporate donations.  


Lord you have provided us all with gifts, skills and talents. Open our eyes to where we can use them in your service and motivate us to do so. Amen

Devotions by Larry W