
Justin Pedersen   -  

Fjeldberg – Devotion for September 10, 2024

READ (Isaiah 38:17)
You have held back my life from the pit of destruction.

According to the Book of Isaiah, King Hezekiah had prayed to God while on
his deathbed and was miraculously restored. We may know of others that
have been saved, as well, from problems that seemed insurmountable.
Maybe we too have experienced the sort of suffering they overcame. In any
case, it is likely that each of us will, at some point in our lifetime, experience
despair and deep pain. Maybe, like Hezekiah, if we pray, we will be pulled
back from that edge of life where grief, disease, or deprivation can put us
into “the pit of destruction”. If so, we should be glad and grateful, as
Hezekiah was, for the saving hand of God that protected us in our darkest

PRAY: Dear God, let us never forget to be grateful for the times when you
protected us from hardships so difficult to bear alone. In Jesus’ name we
pray, Amen.

Devotions by Patricia F.