
Justin Pedersen   -  

Fjeldberg – Devotion for September 5, 2024

READ (Psalm 46:10)
Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in
the earth.

As I was trying to figure out what to write for a devotion for today, the most recent issue
of Magnolia Journal arrived in my mailbox. As I was reading it, this poem by Billy Jack
Brawner (Magnolia Journal, Fall 2024 issue, page 19) called “A Case for Boredom”
suddenly made the verse from Psalm 46:10 pop into my head. Here is the last stanza
of his beautiful poem.

“And what if boredom, when we embrace it and allow it
to lead us into a place of being still, is really just
a chance to slow down, a chance to take a deep breath,
and a chance to bring about much-needed clarity
in a world that moves so very fast.”

Pastor Tim recently did a sermon series on Summer Slow Down. He talked about how
need to slow down; need to take time be quiet, to take time to know God and to know
that He is in control. Now as we move into Fall and the busy schedules of school,
athletic activities and even church, where do we carve out the time to be still?
I looked at a few other translations of this verse and found some interesting ideas. The
New American Version says, “Cease striving, and know that I am God.” The
International Standard Version says, “Be in awe, and know that I am God.” The
Message Bible says, “Step out of the traffic. Take a long, loving look at me, your High
God, above politics, above everything.”

Take the chance to be still, to be in awe, to step out of the traffic. Take that long, loving
look at the God who loves you just the way you are, the God who sent his Son into this
hectic world for us, and to put our trust that He is in control.


PRAY: O God, we are always in such a hurry. Boredom scares us. We are always
striving to pack more into our schedules. We have lost the ability to meditate and reflect
on your word and on your greatness. Lord, help us to take the time to be still and to
know you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Devotions by Jan N.