Daily Devotions

Justin Pedersen   -  

Fjeldberg – Devotion for July 25, 2024

READ (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

I have a confession to make.  I am fiercely independent and prefer to
do things all by myself.  Sounds like a toddler, doesn’t it?
God has been teaching me lately about relying on others.  One of the
greatest treasures God gives is friends.  And guess what, I don’t have
to be good at the same things as my friends.  I don’t have to work to
the point of exhaustion; sometimes I need to call a friend who is willing
and able to help.  Because two are better than one!
We see this at church, even at something as simple as fellowship time
after worship service.  Some people like to pour the coffee.  Some
people like to shop at Costco for cheese slices.  And some people like
an excuse to make some gooey brownies at home.  When everyone
works together, things get done, our work blesses other people, and
God’s kingdom is present in our midst.

Generous God,
You give us everything we need, including friends.  Teach us to reach
out with a helping hand when a friend is in need.  Teach us also to
reach out when we are in need and ask a friend for help.  And teach
us to listen to your endless wisdom.  Amen.

Devotions by Sue E