Daily Devotions –Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
Bible Text
I’m not trying to get my way in the world’s way.
I’m trying to get your way, your Word’s way.
I’m staying on your trail; I’m putting one foot in front of the other.
I’m not giving up.
I call to you…God because I’m sure of an answer.
(Psalm 17: 14-7)
We began worship Sunday February 16th with the hymn “Lead me, Guide me”. Singing that hymn brought back a flood of memories.
Craig and I often prayed that very prayer, asking God to lead us where we could work best for Him. Through those many times of asking for discernment, I learned that I couldn’t just request God for help and then sit back and wait for what I thought was an answer.
Sometimes, I found I needed to get back to the daily tasks around me, basking in the peace that God would let me know in His time. Then, often the answer had been right in front of me, but I hadn’t acknowledged it’s significance.
Other times, I learned the importance of quiet-time, time to reflect, evaluate and to sit in the warm and comfortable presence of a God who loves me and understands that sometimes life is difficult. Assurance and revelation comes as I am still, feel his presence and know He will lead, as long as I allow my senses to be aware of where He is working.
Lead me, guide me needs to be our daily prayer, whether it opens our eyes to the “work” around us, or it leads to the comfort of a quiet reflective time. Maybe, we need a little of both.
Dear Lord, thank you for knowing us and understanding our needs, as well as the gifts you have given us. Open up our senses that we might be aware of where you are working and need us to share those gifts you have given us.
Devotions by Suzy B