Fjeldberg – Devotion for December 19, 2024
READ (Galatians 3:26)
“It is through faith that all of you are God’s children in faith through Christ Jesus.”
You can’t raise 3 sons without mishaps and frustration.
There were times when I knew how the lamp was broken, or why the sports poster was moved to cover a hole in the drywall, or how the youngest brother’s front tooth was chipped.
The explanations were interesting. One brother was in charge of planning the explanations, the other wanted to confess what really had happened, and the third used “blackmail” by threatening to tell what actually had happened.
As adults, there are times when we react like children. We try to explain why we said or did something that was wrong or hurtful. If someone becomes angry with us, we may respond with anger. We may be judgmental, be jealous of others, spread gossip, tell “little white lies, etc.
We human beings are sinners, but with the birth and death of God’s son, Christ Jesus, we can sincerely confess our sins and ask God for forgiveness.
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us your Son. His dying on the cross offers all who believe the gift of eternal life. Amen
Devotions by Mary H