
Justin Pedersen   -  

Fjeldberg – Devotion for September 3, 2024

READ (Luke 12:24)
“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap; they have no
storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them.”

What, you may ask, brought this verse to mind? We’ve been in Huxley 30
years and just recently saw our first buzzard in town. Sitting by the side of
the highway, it was having lunch. Buzzards aren’t pretty birds, nor can they
sing like songbirds. But in God’s plan they have the job of scavenger
cleaning up the remains of other animals. Our human sensibilities often
react to various creatures with revulsion, be it vultures, buzzards, spiders or
snakes. In the creation story God declares all are good. All have some
function within the structure of creation. Even those pesky mosquitoes are
food for some birds.

PRAY: Lord, we stand in awe of your creation and its intricacies. Give us a
new appreciation of the world you have created for us to inhabit.


Devotions by Larry W.