Daily Devotions

Justin Pedersen   -  

Fjeldberg – Devotion for July 4th, 2024

READ (John 8:36)
Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you really will be free.

Today we celebrate our independence and freedom that we have as
Americans. This is a day that is surrounded by things I really enjoy,
family, BBQ, fun, and fireworks. I hope you are able to take some time
to relax and reflect on your freedoms today in the midst of all the

As I reflect on my freedoms, I think about Luther and how he talked
about freedom through the lens of two kingdoms. One kingdom is
God’s kingdom, the other is the world. Through Christ, we have been
made free, free from the burden/consequences of sin, and given the
gift of eternal life. This is an ultimate freedom that we can celebrate
and rejoice in. Yet, there is more to this freedom from sin, we have
been freed to love and serve our neighbor. How are you using your
freedom through Christ to be there for your neighbor?

Good and gracious God, thank you for the freedoms that you have
given to us and this country. Guide us to ways in which we can care
for our neighbors and share your love with them. Amen
Devotions by Pastor Tim Jacobsen