Daily Devotions

Justin Pedersen   -  

Fjeldberg – Devotion for July 30, 2024

READ (Galatians 6:2)
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of

We are often reminded to share Christ’s love with those with whom we
come in contact. Does this mean preaching to all with whom I come in
contact? That is a very scary thought to me. Maybe it means doing a good
deed, or a thoughtful gesture like smiling at a stranger? Maybe it means
trying to be a little more patient with our loved ones?
As I meditated on the above passage, another thought came to my mind.
Sometimes LISTENING to someone else who is struggling or maybe even
rejoicing over their good fortune, could be sharing God’s love!
Sharing God’s love can and should be done in a variety of ways. It begins
with prayer-asking God to be our guide in all relationships, guiding each of
us to use the gifts with which we have been blessed, to share the Good
News of Christ’s love for all.

Heavenly Father, you know each of us. You know how we are wired-the
gifts you have given us, our strengths and our weaknesses. Guide us to
share your love and your message in the way we are most capable.
In Christ’s name, Amen

Devotions by Sue B