Daily Devotions


Devotions  – Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

 Bible Texts

“I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart;

  before the gods I sing your praise.”      (Psalm 138:1)


Last evening, as we sat on our porch having supper, we were entertained!

We watched mother robin, darting back and forth retrieving worms for her new family, a family of six beautiful yellow birds flew back and forth among the roses stopping momentarily to sit on the statuary by the pond and a squirrel was performing on the high wire connecting electricity to our home.

My heart was filled with joy for the blessings in our own backyard–God has blessed me in so many ways: family, friends, a roof over my head, daily bread, and good health. There are so many more reasons to give thanks, often I am too busy to observe his greatness in all the different areas of my life.

Attempting to remember that all I have and experience, comes from our Heavenly Father, gives me reason every day to praise his holy name..


Dear Lord, we have so many reasons to praise you, yet we take so much for granted.  Help us to remember that all we have comes from you. Help us to be grateful for the everyday blessings, as well as the extra special moments in our lives.  Thank you,  Lord, for loving us always.  Amen.

Devotions by Sue Bowyer